Google Meet
Google Meet Varies with device for Android
Connect and collaborate easily with Google Meet
Securely connect, collaborate, and celebrate from anywhere. With Google Meet, everyone can safely create and join high-quality video meetings for groups of up to 250 people.

Meet safely - video meetings are encrypted in transit and our array of safety measures are continuously updated for added protection
Host large meetings - invite up to 250 participants to a meeting, whether they're in the same team or outside of your organization
Easy access on any device - share a link and invite team members to join your conversations with one click from a web browser or the Google Meet mobile app
Share your screen - present documents, slides, and more during your conference call.
Participate in broadcasted events - teams, businesses, and schools can view and present in live-streamed events that include up to 100,000 in-domain viewers
Record for later - for important events on your calendar, hit record while in the meeting and get the recording file straight from Google Drive
Follow along - live, real-time captions powered by Google speech-to-text technology

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App Summary:

You can run Google Meet on Android operating systems. Google Meet is an app developed by Google and it is listed in the category. Google Meet is a free app and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this app.

Alternatives in on Android