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GSA Radio Stream Recorder
GSA Radio Stream Recorder 1.47 for Windows
Software to record internet radio station streams to MP3 , ACC or OGG format.
GSA Radio Stream Recorder helps you to download MP3s for free. With the help of GSA Radio Stream Recorder you can record almost any music freely from the internet. More than 8000 Radio Stations and over 100 genres to choose from. There are many so called internet radios who stream music. With our product you can now record that music directly to harddisk without any technical knowledge. You don't even need to know the name or URL of such an internet radio to record. Simply search within the program for your favourite genre or artist and the program will try to deliver a matching radio station that you can choose to record. There are a lot stations who play 24 hours all kind of music from a specific genre. So if you plan to record e.g. only Classic Rock, feel free to pick such a station and see what it gets you. You can record not only one station but as many as you want (or your internet connection lets you). Unlike any other program, we offer you not only this, but the ability to see details about the playing artist. See a band history and pictures. See on what album this song was first published. Go directly to the artist's website, buy the whole album or simply visit lastfm or myspace. While recording songs, you can also listen to each radio stream and see if you like it or not. If you don't want a song or artist, simply put it to the filter so you never wast time again with something you don't like. If you are on a broadband connection, you can record up to 3000 to 5000 new songs every 24 hours. - Records unlimited streams at one time - Buy the full album of the music you are recording online - Automatically complete ID3Tag information with genre, album name, track number and album year - Get details about the band you are hearing (band history, pictures, etc.) - Filter the mp3 downloads and skip unwanted artist - Lets you easily find new stations to record over the interface - Listen to any station being recorded with a single mouse click

Software Summary:

You can run GSA Radio Stream Recorder on Windows operating systems. GSA Radio Stream Recorder is a software product developed by GSA and it is listed in the category. GSA Radio Stream Recorder is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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