JBJF Encryption/Decryption Tool
JBJF Encryption/Decryption Tool 1.1.0 for Windows
A handy text encryption and decryption tool
JBJF Encryption/Decryption Tool is a lightweight and easy to use application designed to help you encrypt text using a key string. Featuring an intuitive interface, JBJF Encryption/Decryption Tool allows you to set the key string and encrypt any text with just a few clicks.

Software Summary:

You can run JBJF Encryption/Decryption Tool on Windows operating systems. JBJF Encryption/Decryption Tool is a software product developed by adymlincoln and it is listed in the category. JBJF Encryption/Decryption Tool is a free software product listed under The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) license which means that it is fully functional for an unlimited time and that you have freedom to run, study, share (copy), and modify the software.

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