Key Launch
Key Launch 2.0 for Windows
Konrad Papala
Type a few characters to find a program in your start menu, instead of going through all the menus and submenus
Forget your start menu and the icons on your desktop - launch programs and documents from your keyboard, with just a few keystrokes, by typing abbreviations. Just type a few letters of what you are looking for and Key Launch finds it - enter e.g. 'calc' to open the 'calculator'. You can add aliases, e.g. you can define that "w" means "Microsoft Word".

Software Summary:

You can run Key Launch on Windows operating systems. Key Launch is a software product developed by Konrad Papala and it is listed in the category. Key Launch is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows