Lighthouse Point 3D Screensaver
Lighthouse Point 3D Screensaver 1.3 for Windows
You're one click away from a classy screensaver with sea view by a lighthouse.
Lighthouse Point 3D Screensaver is a 'dream come true' solution for every hard-working person whose mind craves for a moment of peace. What can be more soothing and relaxing than a breathtaking bird's eye view of the ocean opening from the top of a massive lighthouse? Bet you can think of more, but after you get completely relaxed glancing at the refreshing sea landscape, you won't need it. The lighthouse itself is a masterpiece of architectural art. Watching its remarkable appearance with all the curves and colors makes a great sight. But it's only a small pleasure compared with the greatness of the ocean beauty. You get a panoramic view and a floating camera to observe the live and wavy ocean from various angles. Behold the blue sky, the waves crashing on the rocks, see the arriving ships and admire the lighthouse's refined architecture. The visual aspect of Lighthouse Point 3D Screensaver makes a perfect score. Amazing special effects allow enjoying the sea for hours, along with detailed models of ships, not to mention the classy lighthouse. With such quality graphics the sight is simply impeccable. Of course, visuals aren't the only ornament of the screensaver. It comes with a nice soft tune making the atmosphere so immersing. In addition, you can add an MP3 song from your collection. To clear your mind, use Lighthouse Point 3D Screensaver. It's got just what a tired mind needs, an incredibly vivid picture, nice music accompaniment and lots of fresh sea air.

Software Summary:

You can run Lighthouse Point 3D Screensaver on Windows operating systems. Lighthouse Point 3D Screensaver is a software product developed by 3Planesoft and it is listed in the category. Lighthouse Point 3D Screensaver is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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