Local.fm for Windows
Amr Hassan
Create playlist from last.fm charts
Local.fm is a program designed to help you create playlist from last.fm charts and tracklists (Similar Tracks, Most Tagged tracks, User Tagged Tracks, User Playlists or User Charts) You can also instantly play your playlist(s) in Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes or foobar2000, export your playlist(s) to WPL, M3U or M3U8 formats, handle combined playlists just as easily, listen to preview samples from Last.fm for any available track You don't have to have absolutely perfect tags (but it really helps), some imperfections are allowed thanks to smart metadata matching algorithms

Software Summary:

You can run Local.fm on Windows operating systems. Local.fm is a software product developed by Amr Hassan and it is listed in the category. Local.fm is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows