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Local SMTP Server Pro
Local SMTP Server Pro 5.27 for Windows
SMTP server program to send email messages without help of your ISP directly.
Local SMTP Server Pro is a SMTP server program that lets you send email messages without help of your ISP, directly from your local PC to recipient mailboxes. You can use your favorite email client along with this software the way you used to do it before. It is one of the best solutions for mobile PC users who travel a lot and have to switch between different ISPs on the run. Increase your privacy by using this server instead of your ISP's SMTP account. This way you will bypass your ISP's mail server. To start using this server with your favorite email program, just use the word "localhost" instead of your current SMTP host in the SMTP settings. This server has a built-in firewall that lets you protect it from the outside of the Internet.

Software Summary:

You can run Local SMTP Server Pro on Windows operating systems. Local SMTP Server Pro is a software product developed by Pc-Safety and it is listed in the category. Local SMTP Server Pro is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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