Machines at War 3
Machines at War 3 1.0 for Windows
Isotope 244 Games
Command over 130 types of units in 21 epic missions creating total annihilation.
You find something dreadfully wrong and investigate a secluded military lab! All of the experts are missing and the facility is ransacked. In Machines at War 3 play unlimited skirmish matches with success conditions and random maps. Construct over 100 different kinds of units. Find the strategies of the lost Omicron Initiative research team in 21 heroic missions! Control seven HUGE mega units and make absolute annihilation. The scientists, known as the Omicron Initiative, are in charge of developing new technologies. The only hint to their disappearance is a cryptic text message reading 'we were compelled to do it'. The team's disappearance threatens the secrecy of it is research, which could possibly put your nation into a disorderly panic. Now there is just one man who can save the Omicron Initiative and protect its secret technology from falling into the incorrect hands. In 21 missions you'll race throughout the world to discover who, or what, is accountable for the team's disappearance. You'll control and capture over 130 different kinds of units which range from infantry and boats to giant mega units. After honing your abilities within the campaign, fire up a map and experience crazy 5, 000 unit battles! It is time to enter the war and equip up! ATTRIBUTES Construct over 130 kinds of technologies and units Order enormous 5,000 unit battles Conquer four buddies in on-line multiplayer combat Dominate with seven amazing mega units Deploy a complete arsenal of infantry, aircraft, naval, and ground forces

Game Summary:

You can run Machines at War 3 on Windows operating systems. Machines at War 3 is a game developed by Isotope 244 Games and it is listed in the category. Machines at War 3 is licensed as Demo which means that the game is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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