Magical Jelly Bean PasswdFinder
Magical Jelly Bean PasswdFinder for Windows
Magical Jellybean Software
Find your lost passwords
Magical Jelly Bean PasswdFinder helps you find your lost passwords as long as they have been saved by your web browser or other appliations. The program supports many popular web-browsers and dozens of email clients, instant messengers, FTP clients and other programs. Simply run the program and it will produce a list of all logins and passwords that it found among the supported applications. You can copy individual items or export the entire list to HTML, CSV, PDF, Excel and other formats.

Software Summary:

You can run Magical Jelly Bean PasswdFinder on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 operating systems. Magical Jelly Bean PasswdFinder is a software product developed by Magical Jellybean Software and it is listed in the category. Magical Jelly Bean PasswdFinder is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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