Magnum Opus Crosswords++
Magnum Opus Crosswords++ 20140805 for Windows
AUS-PC-SOFT Shareware
Make your own crosswords and other word puzzles using your own words and clues.
Make and print your own crosswords and other word puzzles using your own words and hints. Other features include (1) Written in the popular Java programming language, so that it'll run on Mac, Linux and Windows. (2) Supports the Unicode character set which enables puzzles to be produced in any language you care to name. (3) Printing Arrowword puzzles is a straightforward issue. These puzzles that are popular in several states have the hints printed within the puzzle in the spaces normally occupied by the layout cells. (4) Many other puzzle types may also be created solved and printed, including Acrostic, Akari, Domino, Doublet, Fillomino, Futoshiki, Gokigen, Kakuro, Kendoku, Minesweeper, Sikaku, Slitherlink, Sudoku, Wordsearch and numerous lesser known puzzle types. (5) Web Applications are also contained within the application so that the puzzles can be published interactively on the Internet.

Game Summary:

You can run Magnum Opus Crosswords++ on Windows operating systems. Magnum Opus Crosswords++ is a game developed by AUS-PC-SOFT Shareware and it is listed in the category. Magnum Opus Crosswords++ is a free game and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this game.

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System Requirements

Ability to run Java Applications

Alternatives in on Windows