Manager Desktop Edition
Manager Desktop Edition 19.9.17 for Windows
Free easy-to-use accounting software designed for business but can be used for personal accounting as well.
Free small business accounting software to keep track of your financial situation. Full-Featured Accounting Desktop edition is the most comprehensive free accounting software. It has all the features you'd expect from an accounting package and we are working on adding even more. Free Forever You can use the desktop edition for as long as you like, use all the features and enter as much data as required. There are no time limits, no usage limits, no ads. Work Offline All of your work can be done offline on your desktop or laptop meaning you don't lose access to your data or program if your Internet stops working or is not available. Universal Manager has been designed to adapt to any country. It is being translated to multiple languages, supports local tax codes, local date formats and local currency formats.

Software Summary:

You can run Manager Desktop Edition on Windows operating systems. Manager Desktop Edition is a software product developed by and it is listed in the category. Manager Desktop Edition is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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