MaxType PRO Typing Tutor
MaxType PRO Typing Tutor 3.0.2 for Windows
Typing tutor will help to test and develop your typing skills
MaxType LITE typing tutor is a free multifunctinal typing tester. It allows you not only to test and practice your typing skills with any *.txt file, but to print out your test diplomas (statistical data will give you the information about 20 (!) parameters of your typing) and even replay the mtr-record file of your own typing. Extreme Typing mode will help you to increase your typing speed. Supports QWERTY, DVORAK, AZERTY, Russian layouts.

Software Summary:

You can run MaxType PRO Typing Tutor on Windows operating systems. MaxType PRO Typing Tutor is a software product developed by AskMeSoft and it is listed in the category. MaxType PRO Typing Tutor is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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