Open Menu+
Open Menu+ 1.0 for Windows
Hunter Perrin
An open source alternative to the Windows Start Menu. It has advanced features like quick searching.
Open Menu+ is an open source alternative to the Windows Start Menu. It has a quick search feature, which allows you to quickly find the application or file you need. Open Menu+ allows you to more easily access your programs with fewer clicks. Open Menu+ is more intuitively configured and offers more options than the standard Start menu. If you have trouble transitioning to the new menu style, you can have Open Menu+ appear next to the Start Menu instead of replacing it. Instead of opening several cascading menus and taking up your whole screen, Open Menu+ uses a more compact and intuitive menu. For Tablet PC users, Open Menu+ can open with a mouse-over, without having to click on the Start Button.

Software Summary:

You can run Open Menu+ on Windows operating systems. Open Menu+ is a software product developed by Hunter Perrin and it is listed in the category. Open Menu+ is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows