Ozeki Autodialer Studio
Ozeki Autodialer Studio 1.0.6 for Windows
Ozeki Informatics Ltd.
Ozeki Autodialer Studio enables you to send automated voice messages to phones
Ozeki Autodialer Studio empowers your corporate communication, let it be a marketing campaign, voice broadcasting, business reminder or phone survey, it is the ideal platform. You can achieve more profit in the fastest way because you do not need extra human labor to complete thousands of calls.This solution forwards your pre-recorded messages to the target audiance automatically with a less time effort. It works 24/7. Ozeki Autodialer Studio ensures a fully automated communication system. You can customize your calls: you can make your calls for example only on business days or in work hours to not disturb customers. Ozeki Autodialer Studio offers an easy-to-use interface for making call campaigns effectively. You only need to follow a few simple steps to reach your customers. You can upload a great deal of phone numbers from txt or csv file by clicking on load call list button. Then you can choose an audio message in WAV format or record your message instantly with the built-in voice recorder. If you prefer recording your voice message click on microphone button on the toolbar and then clicking on record button in the appearing window. When you finish recording, click on stop. You can listen the recorded message to check its quality. You can easily record a new one if you wish to. Then you can start the dialing process by clicking on start on the toolbar. While dialing process is on you are able to check partial results of how many percent of the phone numbers have already dialed. Even if you make a survey you can get information on the answers were given by clients. A message will inform you about the dialing is finished. It means that all given numbers have already been dialed and your voice messages have been played. In conclusion Ozeki Autodialer Studio is the most reliable, cost effective and time saving solution to send and collect information.

Software Summary:

You can run Ozeki Autodialer Studio on Windows operating systems. Ozeki Autodialer Studio is a software product developed by Ozeki Informatics Ltd. and it is listed in the category. Ozeki Autodialer Studio is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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System Requirements

Intel Pentium Single or Dual core and ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) and a phone line connection

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