Paradise Sunset Screensaver
Paradise Sunset Screensaver 1.0 for Windows
Paradise Sunset Screensaver will transform your desktop into fantastic tropical island with waterfalls, lagoon and it's inhabitants
Paradise Sunset Screensaver will transform your desktop into fantastic tropical island with waterfalls, lagoon and it's inhabitants. Tropical sunset is very impressive scene. Here you will find gulls, parrots, flamingo and other tropical birds. Funny animals like monkey climbing on the trunk of a palm, leopard, exotic plants and flowers will not leave you indifferent. Make a little journey to the tropical islands! Download free sunset screensaver!

Software Summary:

You can run Paradise Sunset Screensaver on Windows operating systems. Paradise Sunset Screensaver is a software product developed by and it is listed in the category. Paradise Sunset Screensaver is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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