Photo to Cartoon
Photo to Cartoon 7.0 for Windows
Caricature Software
Makes cartoons and animation from photos.
Photo to Cartoon converts photographs into cartoons and animated cartoons. Use this program to illustrate your book, your website or to make custom coloring pages for your kids. Replace that cookie cut forum avatar by an actual cartoon of yourself. You'll let people know what you look like without giving them your photo! Make cartoons of your friends, your dog, your house, your neighborhood and don't forget celebrities and politicians! Cartoons make fantastic gifts for friends and colleagues. They look great on T-shirts and mugs too. This program is fun and addictive. It is also intuitive and very easy to use. You don't need any artistic skills, as no drawing is required. Photo to Cartoon uses a novel approach to image editing with a "Click Me" approach. The program splits a photograph into solid color areas, like a mosaic. By clicking on the image, you can split or merge pieces of this mosaic, adding more details to the key areas and simplifying the background. Here is how it works. Just load a high quality high-resolution photo, set the overall level of detail in the image with two sliders and you are half-way done! Click on the key areas of the image, such as a person, or a person's eyes to increase the level of detail. Click on the background pieces to merge them together. Replace colors by those you choose if needed. Depending on the level of detail you use and the amount of editing (splitting and merging pieces) you do, the resulting images can be as either as real-looking or as cartoon-like as you wish. Photo to Cartoon simplifies the task of creating illustrations for virtually every purpose. The result cartoons can be saved in various formats including vector formats. Photo to Cartoon also creates animated drawings that can be saved in svg, avi or gif format or shared online.

Software Summary:

You can run Photo to Cartoon on Windows operating systems. Photo to Cartoon is a software product developed by Caricature Software and it is listed in the category. Photo to Cartoon is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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System Requirements

Windows 7 or 8 (will also work for Win XP and Vista if MS .NET Framework 3.5 or later is installed)

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