Privacy Repairer
Privacy Repairer for Windows
Protect your privacy in Windows 10
Privacy Repairer is a tool for Windows 10 designed to protect your privacy. Like various other tools, it lets you disable all those features that cause privacy concerns for many Windows 10 users, including Telemetry and Diagnostic services, WifiSense, sharing of handwriting recognition, and more.The program also lets you disable some of the more annoying features like suggested sites in Internet Explorer, address bar suggestions, Start Menu ads/suggestions and various other things.The program is easy to use, you can simply disable the features you don't want to use and re-enable them if you change your mind. Each option comes with a short description and disclosure of which settings will be changed by the action.

Software Summary:

You can run Privacy Repairer on Windows operating systems. Privacy Repairer is a software product developed by Securilla and it is listed in the category. Privacy Repairer is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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