Rizone CD-DVD Repair
Rizone CD-DVD Repair for Windows
Repair missing CD or DVD drive from Windows or other programs.
Rizone CD-DVD Repair is a small utility that will repair Windows if your CD or DVD drive is missing or not recognized by Windows or other programs. Rizone CD-DVD Repair can also repair (reset) your Autoplay or Autorun settings and protect your computer against Autorun parasites (virus) by disabling the Autorun feature for removable drives. In Windows 7 it will disable autorun for non-Volume devices to protect against viruses, since Microsoft have permanently disabled autorun.inf for removable drives.

Software Summary:

You can run Rizone CD-DVD Repair on Windows operating systems. Rizone CD-DVD Repair is a software product developed by Rizonesoft and it is listed in the category. Rizone CD-DVD Repair is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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