Scanner App
Scanner App 1.0.3 for Android
Smoothly scan documents and export to PDF file with pdf scanner apps for free
No need for an expensive scanner or wait in line to use it once you have pdf scanner apps for free - the app that scans documents directly on your phone. Scanning app for android free can quickly scan files as text and images. This scan app for android free is completely free and easy to use. With simple scanning by a phone camera, users can get digital copies of any kind of document.

This scanning app for android is the perfect app to back up all personal documents such as ID cards, passport, or driver's license. In addition, with two optional scan modes, the free text pdf scanner apps for free also saves your time when you need to scan multiple documents at the same time. Especially, the scanned documents can be converted to PDF format or JPG image file that depending on your purpose when exporting or sharing files. Therefore, this scanning app for android free is suitable for everyone, who demands to scan documents at work, school, or anywhere that need the document to be scanned.

Download scan app for android free now to get the smoothest document scanner experience with the following outstanding advantages:

- Scan photos directly with the camera or scan photos from the gallery. Get the sharpest image quality.
- Constant scan feature and unlimited number of scans
- Scan any file format very quickly and conveniently
- Flashlight for scanning in low light

Scan document to pdf app allows to adjust the documents after scanning by the crop feature, image rotation, and color filters. Besides, the smart crop feature automatically recognizes your document to crop the image at the perfect ratio

- Create PDF files quickly while exporting or sharing scanned images
- Sort files by name, file size, or file creation date according to the user's needs.
- 3 convenient file views such as list view, grid two, grid three

All files exported by scan documents app free has extremely high quality. Users can choose to export a PDF file or a JPG image file.

Using pdf scanner apps for free to scan and store documents right on your phone, that will be more convenient and efficient. Scan feature give the best image quality and flexible output file format that suitable for all users' needs. Scanning app for android free is a convenient tool that is the perfect replacement for a document scanner. Download scan app for android free now to quickly scan documents directly BY your phone for FREE!

App Summary:

You can run Scanner App on Android operating systems. Scanner App is an app developed by GOVO TECH and it is listed in the category. Scanner App is a free app and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this app.

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