Sense To Webpage
Sense To Webpage 1.9.0 for Windows
Silva Elm Ltd.
A tool for webpage text editing that does not require technical knowledge
Sense To Webpage is a straight-forward application designed to help you edit webpages and manage their content without prior technical knowledge of html markup or java scripting languages. The tool translates existing webpage text content to Sense document format for straightforward editing and re-arrangement via the tree-structured Sense Editor: The Sense Document is then used to build the updated XHTML strict or transitional 1.0 validated webpage. Sense To Webpage in combination with the Sense Editor provides the potential for substantial cost and time savings as an alternative to both expensive webpage-authoring tools and reliance on third party web-designer services when straightforward webpage text modification is needed. Sense To Webpage is project oriented providing isolation from file management complexities without limiting the ability to exercise control over project direction. Sense To Webpage avoids legacy restrictions by creating template and document files on successful webpage validation during new project creation. Validation does not require a webpage to be explicitly XHTML compliant for success although careful delegation of webpage complexities to CSS and Includes is beneficial. Text editing capabilities include headings, paragraphs and unordered bullets and may contain hyperlinks, anchors and image references. Sense To Webpage supports webpage file types with .htm, .html, .php and .shtml extensions and expects normal html head and body constructs with or without initial DOCTYPE declarations.

Software Summary:

You can run Sense To Webpage on Windows operating systems. Sense To Webpage is a software product developed by Silva Elm Ltd. and it is listed in the category. Sense To Webpage is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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