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SysBud OST to PST Converter
SysBud OST to PST Converter 1.0 for Windows
SysBud Software
Easily convert OST to PST & import OST data file in PST file format
OST to PST converter is a beneficial program for Outlook user to retrieve the data from corrupted, damage, inaccessible and orphaned OST data files. The best part of single wizard solution is that, it allows you to convert OST file in PST file in absence of Exchange Server. It always follows the algorithm and preserves the complete OST data files like Contact, Calendar, to-do list, task etc. in PST format. SysBud offers to use the demo version of OST to PST convert so that user can get familiar with the tool features and working process. The demo version has own limits like it export only first 20 emails from each folder. While full version has no limits and allow the unlimited migration from OST to PST format. Notable features of OST to PST conversion tool (1)Simple & user-friendly interface application. (2)100% tested and reliable tool for large and Old OST data files. (3)Save converted PST file at user desired location. (4)Maintain folder structure, rich text, inline images, attachments and other mailing properties. (5)Produce compatible PST file, which used in all MS Outlook versions. (6)Run in all Window editions such as Window 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP etc.

Software Summary:

You can run SysBud OST to PST Converter on Windows operating systems. SysBud OST to PST Converter is a software product developed by SysBud Software and it is listed in the category. SysBud OST to PST Converter is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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