TeXpen 0.6.2 for Windows
Wang MengChang
A straightforward LaTeX editor that comes with advanced text formatting capabilities, highlighting, auto-completion and real-time equation preview
TeXpen provides you with an intuitive LaTeX editor that features keywords highlighting, auto-completion and equation preview. The application enables you to insert figures, tables and graphics into your document and customize the theme and the background color. Its straightforward interface makes it suitable for both beginners and advanced users. Features: Keywords highlighting Document outline(Navigation within a long document) Equation preview (real-time) Themes / Background color (Protecting your eyes) Auto-Completion Build/Stop/Configure Insert Figure/Table codes on One-Click

Software Summary:

You can run TeXpen on Windows operating systems. TeXpen is a software product developed by Wang MengChang and it is listed in the category. TeXpen is a free software product listed under The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) license which means that it is fully functional for an unlimited time and that you have freedom to run, study, share (copy), and modify the software.

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