Tiled 1.0.1 for Windows
Thorbjorn Lindeijer
Build your own tile maps and edit existing ones, with this reliable and efficient tool that also offers support for various game engines
Tiled is a simple, handy and easy-to-use tile map editor that can help you create the tile maps you want. The application is built to be accessible, yet flexible enough to work with varying game engines, whether your game is an RPG, platformer or Breakout clone.Features General purpose tile map editor with XML-based map format Supports orthogonal and isometric maps Custom objects can be placed with pixel precision Full undo/redo and copy/paste support Add custom properties to tiles, layers, objects or the map Automatically reloads tilesets when changed externally Resize or offset your tile map later as needed Efficient tile editing tools like stamp and fill brushes Supports input/output plugins to open and save files in custom formats

Game Summary:

You can run Tiled on Windows operating systems. Tiled is a game developed by Thorbjorn Lindeijer and it is listed in the category. Tiled is licensed as Tiled.

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