Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa
Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa 1.0 for Windows
Big Fish Games
Catch a time-traveling thief and restore the famous Mona Lisa in this hidden object game
Solve a mysterious crime by traveling back and forward between the past and the present. You'll have to go against the Time Chameleon, that has stolen the famous Mona Lisa and scattered it through the history. You'll be traveling to gorgeous locations like: medieval gardens, to Edo-era Japan, to the Taj Mahal and beyond, where you must use your hidden object skills to solve intriguing puzzles. NOTE: This is a downloader for the game. Once run, the application will automatically download and install the game on your computer. To buy the product you need to register with Big Fish. The registration is free and the account will let you earn free games, play community games or participate in game forums, write reviews as well as offer you significant discounts.

Game Summary:

You can run Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa on Windows operating systems. Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa is a game developed by Big Fish Games and it is listed in the category. Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa is licensed as Shareware which means that the game is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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