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USB Port Monitor
USB Port Monitor 3.0 for Windows
Eltima Software
USB Port Monitor is an easy to use USB Data Monitor for Windows.
USB Port Monitor is an easy to use USB Data Monitor for Windows. It offers simple, yet complete view for monitoring and analyzing activity of USB devices. USB Traffic Analyzer can intercept, record, display, and analyze incoming or outgoing data between any USB device plugged in your computer and applications. USB device analyzer can be successfully used in development of your applications, USB device drivers or hardware. USB protocol analyzer is your essential platform for efficient coding, testing, and optimization. - Interception, recording, display, and analysis of incoming and outgoing data between USB device and application; - All connected USB devices are displayed in a simple list or hierarchical tree view; - Real-time interception of IRPs, URBs, IOCTLs and data transferred through any USB device stack; - Raw hex dump and decoded human readable view of the data sent to or received from a USB device; - Possibility to filter out the unnecessary information from analyzed data; - Switching between corresponding outgoing and incoming packets; - Support of USB 3.0 devices; - Convenient search through the captured data; - Saving gathered data in binary file for later analysis; - Export of gathered data to TXT, CSV, XML, or HTML files; - Multiple USB devices monitoring.

Software Summary:

You can run USB Port Monitor on Windows operating systems. USB Port Monitor is a software product developed by Eltima Software and it is listed in the category. USB Port Monitor is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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