Vincent van Gogh Paintings ScreenSaver
Vincent van Gogh Paintings ScreenSaver for Windows
ScreenSavers Wizard
Enjoy slide show screensaver that covers 15 paintings by Vincent van Gogh.
Vincent van Gogh Paintings Screensaver is slide show screensaver that covers 15 paintings by Vincent van Gogh. The screensaver supports dual monitor and background sound. It is highly customizable. You can customize/select from 120 transition effects and make/edit your music playlist or disable the sound. You can set how Vincent van Gogh Paintings ScreenSaver to display the pictures by setting their order, size, position, and duration. FEATURES: A. High quality, compatibility and performance on all PCs. B. Highly customizable. You can: Set images display duration; Choose between sequential and random image order; Set images size and position; Select from 120 smooth image transition effects; Set tranzitions speed; Set image duration; Create/edit your background music playlist; Enable/disable sounds; Customize exit conditions C. Dual monitor supported D. Password protection on resume supported E. F2 Sets active image as Desktop Wallpaper.

Software Summary:

You can run Vincent van Gogh Paintings ScreenSaver on Windows operating systems. Vincent van Gogh Paintings ScreenSaver is a software product developed by ScreenSavers Wizard and it is listed in the category. Vincent van Gogh Paintings ScreenSaver is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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