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!1 Power MP3 WMA Recorder
!1 Power MP3 WMA Recorder 1.00 for Windows
A powerful and complete sound recorder studio of your computer
Power MP3 WMA Recorder makes high-quality recordings directly from your sound card. It can record streaming audio directly to MP3, WMA and OGG files, no tempory wav file involved, saving your hard disk life, and faster. Sound quality of the recordings remains excellent. Power MP3 WMA Recorder adopts advanced LAME Encoder and OGG codec, allows you to generate various qualities of MP3, WMA, WAV and OGG files. It makes a complete sound recorder studio of your computer. With it you can record sound from microphone, streaming audio from the Internet, music played by Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quick Time, Real Player, Flash, games, or muisc from external such as Turntable, Walkman, Tape Player, DVD, etc. Power MP3 WMA Recorder supports schedule recording. If you want it to do the recording at a specified time of one day or week, you can make schedule to let it record for you automatically. It is most useful while recording internet streaming audio. There is an audio player built in Power MP3 WMA Recorder and you can use it just as an audio player. What's more, you can edit the id3 information for your files with the ID3-Editor built in Power MP3 WMA Recorder. Run stably on Windows 98/NT/Me/2K/XP/2003.

Software Summary:

You can run !1 Power MP3 WMA Recorder on Windows operating systems. !1 Power MP3 WMA Recorder is a software product developed by SagaSoft and it is listed in the category. !1 Power MP3 WMA Recorder is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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