Automatic Restore point creator
Automatic Restore point creator for Windows
Mouhab Tarek Abdulsalam
Creates new restore points periodically in order to make sure that you can return the system to a previously working state, should anything go wrong
As its name suggests, Automatic Restore point creator is a handy application that you can use to schedule the computer to create new restore points periodically. With the help of Automatic Restore point creator, you won't have to create new restore points manually, since the application takes care of everything for you. As such, your system will be permanently protected from crashes or virus infections, since you can restore it to a previously working state.

Software Summary:

You can run Automatic Restore point creator on Windows operating systems. Automatic Restore point creator is a software product developed by Mouhab Tarek Abdulsalam and it is listed in the category. Automatic Restore point creator is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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