Heimdal PRO
Heimdal PRO for Windows
Heimdal Security
Heimdal PRO protects you against attacks that antivirus cannot block
Heimdal PRO is a cyber threat security suite that protects users against attacks that antivirus cannot block. Heimdal PRO scans the Internet traffic for cyber threats, blocking them before they penetrate the system. By constantly patching critical, vulnerable software and filtering Internet traffic, Heimdal ensures increased security levels against advanced malware attacks, phishing attempts, data leakage, exploits and Zero Day attacks. Heimdal PRO is especially effective against financial malware and the most sophisticated forms of malware, which go undetected by antivirus solutions. Heimdal looks at traffic, whereas antivirus looks at local files, which is why Heimdal PRO makes a perfect addition to any AV products, and is compatible with all AV solutions. Backed by a strong intelligence database, which is constantly updated with information about the newest threats, Heimdal PRO provides the proactive security layer that is necessary to fight the most sophisticated cyber threats and attacks. Keep your data safe from exfiltration, conduct financial transactions with peace of mind and keep your system up to date with Heimdal PRO!

Software Summary:

You can run Heimdal PRO on Windows operating systems. Heimdal PRO is a software product developed by Heimdal Security and it is listed in the category. Heimdal PRO is licensed as Shareware which means that the software product is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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