Lyrics Seeker Plug-Ins
Lyrics Seeker Plug-Ins 2.1 for Windows
LyricsSeeker is a plug-in for your favorite music players that retrieves lyrics to song currently playing. Requires little hard drive space and uses close to no memory. Supports iTunes, WinAmp & Windows Media Player. LyricsSeeker will notify you if it found words to song in our extensive database featuring more than 300,000 lyrics and 15,000 artists. Installs in seconds and works right away. Can be disabled easily and uninstalls in seconds.

Software Summary:

You can run Lyrics Seeker Plug-Ins on Windows operating systems. Lyrics Seeker Plug-Ins is a software product developed by MetroLyrics and it is listed in the category. Lyrics Seeker Plug-Ins is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

Alternatives in on Windows