Phex 3.2.4 Build 105 for Windows
The Phex Team
Phex is a file sharing tool that allows you to share and download files
Often the file you like to download is available on different hosts. Phex will request different segment of the file from each host in parallel. After successfully downloading a segment Phex will merge it with the other segments of the file. This results in a much higher download speed. If a host is too slow the segment is split during download and given to an another host. To make sure you never run out of hosts Phex is able to find new download hosts by itself with the automatic search functionality.

Software Summary:

You can run Phex on Windows operating systems. Phex is a software product developed by The Phex Team and it is listed in the category. Phex is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product.

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