TrenchesWIP Free for Windows
Big OOF Games PTY LTD,-
An ongoing prototype hoping to bring multiplayer world war style sandbox conflict to the front lines
World war style combat fought by hundreds of players across several weeks deep in the mud of trenches and the hulls of rumbling tanks. Build up your teams economy, construct your fortified battle lines, and push the opponents back. - or at least that's what we hope... TrenchesWIP is an ongoing project where a handful of devs decide to make the game they want to play, available publicly from day one - warts and all. A world war inspired multiplayer First-person shooter, with infantry and vehicular combat - coupled with economic base building and construction. In TrenchesWIP - we want to make a sandbox shooter where the players can decide how to overcome the enemy. Opponents dug in a fortified trench line? Sight in your allied player's artillery to destroy it from afar. Enemy tanks pushing you back? Set a minefield and lure them in. Destroy the bridge behind the enemy line to cut them off and rain shells down on them from afar. We want to give players a sandbox approach to first-person combat - and we need your help to do it!

Game Summary:

You can run TrenchesWIP on Windows operating systems. TrenchesWIP is a game developed by Big OOF Games PTY LTD,- and it is listed in the category. TrenchesWIP is licensed as Shareware which means that the game is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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