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Waterscape Solitaire: American Falls
Waterscape Solitaire: American Falls Demo for Windows
Big Fish Games, Inc.
A soothing new twist on solitaire.
Experience this entirely new twist on solitaire. The soothing game play provides hours of challenging relaxation. Traverse across North America enjoying the splendor of the magical waterfalls. Match cards to clear them from the play field. Clear the play field to view the tranquil waterfall and an inspirational message. Enjoy a magical journey through fifteen of Americas landmark waterfalls.

Super family-friendly theme.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Super family-friendly theme.
15 waterfalls to explore.
Simple yet rich gameplay.

Game Summary:

You can run Waterscape Solitaire: American Falls on Windows operating systems. Waterscape Solitaire: American Falls is a game developed by Big Fish Games, Inc. and it is listed in the category. Waterscape Solitaire: American Falls is licensed as Shareware which means that the game is provided as a free download to users but it may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. You may need to pay at some moment to continue using product or to use all functionalities.

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